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Avoir Tape Combinator


Avoir Tape Combinator by Avoir Audio


Worth $600


Go to the free downloads page.


We have now officially released
Avoir Tape Combinator for all users of
Propellerhead Reason for free.
It can be used in all (standard versions)
of Reason starting with Reason 5 up to
the present version that is Reason 12.
Avoir Tape combinator does not require
any rack extensions or other software.
Avoir Tape Combinator is unique for its
sounds & for Avoir Audio's UGEM.
UGEM is unique to our Avoir Tape Combinator
& is a term used for unity gain.
UGEM has been applied to all FX effects
in its FX effect chain.
It will save Producers countless hours
when it comes to the final mixdown.  
Now you can get straight to producing
& complete music much faster than usual
with Avoir Tape Combinator.

Avoir Tape Combinator is now available
for all Avoir Audio Youtube subscribers

Effects :
Midi-CC Compatible

  •     LP Filter
  •     Distortion
  •     Reverb
  •     Unison


System Requirements for 
Avoir Tape Combinator :

Propellerhead Reason 5
or higher
Windows 7-8-10 64bit
or Mac
1.87 GB hard disk space

Soundbanks Presets & updates:

Free soundbanks presets & updates
for Avoir Tape Combinator will become
available exclusively to Avoir Audio
Youtube & Instagram subscribers.





